Solve the Mystery with Me

If you're a sucker for a good Mystery Documentary, you've come to the right place. I'm Ellie and I will be your guide into the world of abundant and very bewitching crime documentaries.  


10-5-18 - Killer legends 

Killer legends, a Horror/Historical Documentary was made March 16, 2014 was directed by Joshua Zeman and produced by Rachel Mills and Gregory Palmer. The documentary would be best summarized as an exploration, by the two producers Rachel Mills and Gregory Palmer, of old urban legends and how they connect to actual murders that have happened in the states that the legend originated from.

Review of show

After watching over half of the show, I couldn't carry on any longer. Though the stories presented were interesting, the show moved considerably slow. The show also repeated the same phrases and explanation of the stories over and over.  The fun of Horror Documentaries are the fast pace, cliff hanging statements that keep you begging for more of the show. Overall this show in particular was shot and made very poorly. 

Personal Rating - 4/10

11-9-18 -  Real Crime: Hannah's Killer 

Real Crime: Hannah's Killer, a british documentary about the murder of 17 year old, Hannah Foster. The documentary focuses mainly on the parents of Hannah and how they were determined to catch her murderer, Maninder Pal Singh Kohli. After a night out with her friend, Hannah walked her friend to the bus station that was nearby. Little did anyone know her killer was also out at pubs, not far away from her that night. Her house was only a few hundred yards away but Kohli was determined to capture Hannah. Kohli parked his van where he knew she would be walking. That night Hannah was abducted, rapped and murdered. After realizing Hannah was still wasn't home at nearly three o'clock in the morning, her parents called the police to file a missing persons report. After getting the report the police tracked Hannah's cell phone and it seemed to be in a vehicle, and after tracking it they went through her call history and realized she had called 999 (911). They reviewed the tape of the 999 call and confirmed that the sound on the phone was in a larger vehicle, such as a van and that the person that abducted her was of indian ethnicity. They also review cameras around the city and found a large van driving exactly where the phone was tracked to. Later that day they got a report of a body that was found dumped just outside of the city. It was hannah. They found Kohli's DNA on her clothes and found Foster's DNA in the van. Before they could question Kohli he had fled back to india. Before he could completely disappear, British police asked India's police force to take over and capture Kohli. After 6 years of trying to get closure for their daughter, The fosters could walk out of the court knowing that Maninder Pal Singh Kohli would never hurt anyone ever again. Maninder Pal Singh Kohli ended up being charged with life in prison, without parole. 

Review of Show

After watching all forty some minutes of this compelling documentary, I have formed a strong opinion of it.  The story line is very interesting but you can also guess how it will end. The show is also slow moving and boring in parts. They could have easily packed all of it down to thirty minutes. The way that the production crew decided to add the dramatizations in my opinion was what ruined the show. Most of the show ended up being true, but poor quality reenactments. The show would have turned out better if they let the family tell the story or even involved them more in some way. 

Personal Rating - 6/10

11-16-18 - I Am A Killer

I Am A Killer, made just this year, is a series that showcases the profiling of murderers convicted of capital murder and sentenced the death. In each of the profiles, the criminals recount the events that lead up to the murder or crime. The killers also reveal their motives and how they feel about their decision now. The show only has one season but ten compelling episodes, that let you get a first hand account of the mind of a murderer. 

Review of Show

After only watching one episode of this brilliantly made show, I knew I had enough information and enough of an opinion on it to write this blog. The shows sole focus is the inmates on death row and how they got there. The only person who tells the story is the killer, unlike other shows that have a narrator shown on screen or other people describing the story with clips of the criminal talking. The criminal on the show is in a room getting interviewed, and even though you know he's getting asked questions, they cut that part out so it seems as if the killer is only talking to you. I loved how different this show was shot and how they give the criminals a chance to "shine". The show also gives you insight into what it's really like in prison. After watching just the first episode I feel and have a completely different opinion on the justice system and death row itself. 

Personal Rating - 9/10

12-13-18 - The Confession Tapes

 The Confession tapes, made in september of 2017, is a show about two teens who get persuaded into confessing to a triple homicide. Teens David Burns and Atif Rafay were tried for the gruesome triple murder of Rafays' family, including his mom, dad and sister. In the trial of Burns and Rafay the Canadian Police used a technique called the "Mr. Big technique" where the police officers go undercover as gang members. They also interviewed the suspects and they recorded the confessions the teens gave them by using this technique. Which is not legal to use during a trial in the U.S. The two men were still on trial until the age of 27.  

Review of Show

After watching the first few episodes of this show, I want to keep watching more. The show gives you a first hand look into the courtroom and you get to hear from everyone who was on the case. Instead of trying to get you to believe what the show believes, the show lets you form your own opinion based off of the two sides of the story they present to you. Shows like this one can make anyone want to become a detective or lawyer themselves. The thing that makes the show so interesting is the fact that the defence doesn't believe the confessions are real and that they should not be used in the investigation. The defence believes this because the two men, were convinced as teens to confess to the triple murder because of the intimidating gang members "feeding the story too them". After watching, I believe these two overly confident, cold souled and morally lacking teens did in fact commit the murder. 

Personal Rating - 8/10

12-17-18 - The Innocent Man

The Innocent man, made just this year, is a Murder mystery documentary based off of a non-fiction book, written by John Grisham. The show starts out talking about the town the mystery is from Ada, Oklahoma. The show talks about murderer/s who think they have been wrongly convicted. The show specifically focuses on Rob Williamson, a man who sat on death row for eleven years for a crime "he didn't commit".

Review of Show

Right after I finished watching the first episode, I couldn't stop watching. I ended up finishing the whole series, which is just six episodes. The show is relatable to especially us, here in moorhead, because it is based in a small town. The police, while interrogating the suspects used the same technique as the last show, they videotaped them confessing. The show is compilation of everyone involved in the crime, including the families, friends, lawyers, investigators, police officers, scientists and most important the so called suspects. I absolutely loved this show. Everything about it was perfect. The way it was shot, the honesty, the pictures and especially how they let the criminals tell their own story. 

 Personal Rating - 10/10

1-18-19 - Killer Kids

Killer kids, a series on Netflix released close to 10 years ago, is a dramatized reconstruction of murders committed by teens and juveniles. Many of the kids commit these crimes to fight psychopathic urges. The teens often commit the murders in groups, or even alone. The first episode, "Occult Killers", is about a seven year old that goes missing in Saskatchewan. 

Review of show

After watching the first episode of the show, I am already sick of watching. The dramatization itself is dramatized. The one thing, I can think to compare the making of it, is those annoying driver ed videos, where the cast moves randomly as if to fill a time slot and talks about things not relating to the show. Also the cast talks very "dumbed down" and they over explain everything, as if you are a toddler. The first episode is very disturbing and the topics gory. They talk about satanic rituals, heavy metal and drugs, almost as if it is an excuse for this teen to have murdered this innocent seven year old boy. I will not continue to watch this show and I hope you never do. 

Personal Rating - 1/10

1-25-19 The Fear of 13

A documentary written in 2015, by David Sington, is about a convicted murderer that has been on death row for over twenty years when he asks the court to be executed. After hearing his story in the documentary is becomes clear we really know nothing about what they go through, on death row. 

Review of show

After watching only a little bit of this documentary/movie, it became clear that is was a close runner up to my favorite show I've watched so far. The show is overall shot very different but cool. The starting few scenes, you can tell, are purely meant to draw you in. Not only does the show appeal to your emotional side, but you also learn numerous facts about the prison system. The show is eye opening to what the inmates have to go through on death row. Yes, they are on death row for terrible inhumane acts, but there is a point where the torture is too much for any human. If your interested in hearing a first hand account and gory details of inside death row, I would highly recommend watching this show. 

Personal Rating - 9/10

2-12-19 Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

Releases in 2019, a documentary about one of America's most notorious serial killers. Convicted of killing more than 30 women, Ted Bundy is feared and a topic of curiosity for many people. The documentary is based on the interviews of Bundy on death row and the people who had known Ted. 

Review of show

My thoughts after watching the show are similar to everyone else that has watched it. Although at times the show was very intriguing, the way the show was shot was a little confusing and jumbled. Even though they gave interesting facts, they were random and not connected. The story doesn't really flow in my mind. They don't really go into detail about what happened to the many women, not that we want to see and hear gory, gross details, but I think it helps build the story. I think this show is different from other murder documentaries, because instead of focusing on the victims and what the killer/criminal did, the show focuses on Ted's point of view, life, personality and family. I think if the show would be 10/10 if it incorporated more of the victim's point of view on things and less on useless information about Ted Bundy. 

Personal Rating - 7/10

2-21-19 Abducted in Plain Sight

In 2017, a documentary was released. The documentary is about a young girl, Jan Broberg, who was abducted in her calm, close-knit, church-going community by not only her neighbor but her close family friend. Not once but TWICE. 

Review of show

After watching the whole hour and a half of pure suspense and mystery, this show is very high on my list. The show perfectly balances the ratio between the people being interviewed. They incorporated the family members, friends and fellow neighbors. This story really can rub people the wrong way, thinking about how someone who seemed so innocent and befriending to your family, could do something so unimaginable. The show not only makes you angry at the fact that the family could be so gullible towards a person throwing off so, so many red flags. Overall the show is a little hard to believe, thinking that a victim of such things, Jan, could be so brainwashed by a predator like Berchtold. I would highly recommend watching this show, It is nothing short of captivating.

Personal Rating - 10/10

3-18-19 The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

As the main spotlight on netflix, this series is getting a lot of buzz. Everyone is talking about it. If you haven't heard about it, don't wait you need to watch it now. This show is based off a family, the McCann's, vacationing in Praia Da Luz, a resort in portugal. Their daughter, Madeleine McCann, disappeared on May 3, 2007 without a trace. She is still missing to this day, the case has not progressed due to lack of evidence, foul play and dead end leads. 

Review of show

While watching this show, I was working on my homework, and I couldn't get any of it done, because the show was just so compelling. Even though the show was pretty much just a visual description of the crime, with facts that you could simply find on any website or news article about the crime. The show isn't a dramatization by any means, which is one of the big reasons I loved it so much. They interview almost everyone that was a part of or involved in the event in some way, which is cool because even the people at the resort, that didn't know the family, helped with looking and giving out details. I would absolutely recommend watching this show. 

Personal Rating - 9/10

3-28-19 Follow up Blog of The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

I felt a follow up blog, of the same show, was necessary. Not only because it is a series, but because it is a very debated show. People are questioning if it is original and a good enough show to stay on Netflix. 

After watching the series, I have a different view of the show as a whole. The show, although the story is very sad and true, is just like every other mystery series. It is almost bland. All the facts stated in the show, you could find with just one search on google after looking up the poor little girls name. By making the show this poorly and basic, they are making the whole event seem nil in the scheme of things, when really that's the most important. The show is also very repetitive. You feel as thought you're coming back from commercial break. Before every new episode, there is a recap that takes half the episode and is just reexplaining facts you already know. In all seriousness what happened to this little girl is really sad, and we should all look into the case and educate ourselves, but don't waste time watching this show, just use google. 

Updated review of show - 5/10

4-15-19 Evil Genius - The true story of America's most diabolical bank heist. 

In August 2003, a bank robbery in Erie, Pennsylvania made news headlines across America when a robbery-gone-wrong turned into a double murder. The attempted robber was a pizza delivery driver who had a bomb locked around his neck. Known as the "pizza bomber" case, a manhunt started to find out who was responsible for the bomb, robbery and deaths. 

Review of show

After being only one episode in, I already love this show. It is so honest and open with the facts and footage of the robbery and murder. During the whole show you kind of have a hunch of what actually happened, in the back of your mind....but it isn't confirmed until the end of the show. I won't give any spoilers because the hunches are the most interesting part of the show. I would highly recommend this show if you're into graphic honesty and more of the federal point of view of crimes. 

Personal Rating - 8/10

5-17-19 Out of Thin Air

A documentary released in May of 2017, about a Murder committed in 1976, in Iceland. It was and still is the most well known murder/crime committed in iceland ever. The part of Iceland the crime was committed in is a close-knit 
community, where everyone knows everyone, and outsiders are easily spotted. The crime involves six suspects, some of which claim they didn't know what they were doing or don't remember it at all. 

Review of Show

While watching the show, I got incredibly bored. The show not only jumps around a lot but it is also very bland. There is nothing that reals you in or intrigues you. It is almost an hour and a half of just dramatic storytelling. When people watch these crime documentaries, they want a compelling story that keeps them on their toes. The story moves too slow and doesn't leave you feeling satisfied. The story would be 100x better if they would've incorporated more real pictures, videos and files of the actual crime. This would make you feel as though its not fictional. After it is all said and done, I would not recommend this movie, unless you like slow moving, unconcise, and confusing. 

Personal Rating - 3/10

5-20-19 Interview with a Serial Killer 

The documentary based off of the story of the Genesee River Killer, or also known as Arthur Shawcross. The story of how he killed all of the women and got away with it is one thing, but to hear it from him, a first hand account of everything is bone chilling. I don't want to spoil too much, but long story short he killed a handful of women for a number of reasons all while living a double life. 

Review of Show

With this being my last blog post in all, I wanted to go out with a bang. I have been waiting to watch this documentary for some time now, knowing I would love it. The waiting paid off. I don't know if it is just the spine tingling story or a combination of everything, but the whole show is put together so well. The production itself is pretty basic and nothing special and expensive, but it has all the right components a good murder documentary should have. It has real suspense, real interviews and real facts. So with all of that being said, if you appreciate the same things I do, about these documentaries, you will watch an Interview with a Serial Killer. 

Personal Rating - 10/10

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